Brad Dechter, President, DHX — Dependable Hawaiian Express; DGX — Dependable Global Express
Jan 22, 2019, 4:51 PM EST
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Brad Dechter

The biggest challenges facing the logistics Industry in 2019 will be the disruptions we face caused by our government leadership having lack of current direction on a variety of fronts, making the word "disruption" seem a norm in which we'll react.

Whether it's our current infrastructure and funding needed to truly fix what is in need of repair/updating with our roads, rails and bridges, or the lack of clear direction with our overseas trading partners (and if we'll become a nation isolated through the use of tariffs, hostility, rudeness, and nationalism to become "self-sufficient" under the guise of national security) or the lack of common standards for all companies to promulgate in the use of new technologies like self-autonomous vehicles or Blockchain, or be it a lack of recognition of global warming and the change in our storm patterns (and severity) causing outcomes that impact the ability of industries in numerous geographical areas to function normally, we face significant uncertainty in the transportation industry for the next two years.

Add the lack of an adequate labor force — there are not enough trained workers (drivers, for example) to fill the job openings in the transportation sector — and you have an industry facing disruption.

We will monitor events as they unfold, as well as educate ourselves and our people on developments in our industry. We'll keep "listening," looking for potential changes that we can develop or explore, hoping to give ourselves some sort of competitive advantage and/or niche to successfully operate from within.

In the meantime, we will continue to work with our people to develop a culture that accepts and thrives on change, knowing that change is ever-present, while trying to ignore the negativity that surrounds our political structure.