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Editorial Contacts
Please send press releases to or Mark Szakonyi, Executive Editor, at For content within and the Journal of Commerce magazine, please contact Mark Szakonyi.
Editorial Submissions
The Journal of Commerce considers for publication external content that could be categorized as analysis or commentary. Submissions should:
- Be exclusive to the Journal of Commerce
- Expand or deepen existing Journal of Commerce coverage
- Provide new insights to shippers and transport providers
- Not be advertorial or self-promotional
- Be no more than 700–800 words
- Be accompanied by no more than two charts (if charts are used). Charts must include Excel data file and source.
Submissions can be sent to Executive Editor Mark Szakonyi for consideration. Please include your name, company or organization name, title, and email address to be published at the bottom of the commentary.
The decision whether to publish external submissions rests solely with the Journal of Commerce.
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Journal of Commerce
55 Water St., 39th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10041