Craig Mygatt, CEO, SeaLand
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Craig Mygatt

International trade truly demonstrates the extent of globalization. We are seeing an increased demand from our customers for more data. This is driven, in part, by regulatory requirements as well as traditional industry practices.

The need for global standardization within customs agencies, government documentation requirements, hazardous cargo needs and classifications is clear in order for trade to work through regulatory obstacles.

The current cargo environment is fast-moving, as there are needs to feed production, people, or retail. Any delays can peril industry and a country’s ability to compete in the global marketplace. There are global organizations, related to governmental policies, in place that can lead this charge. Together with the freight industry we need to influence government activity to tackle these issues.

Accomplishing the goal will mean the end-customer will gain a clear line of sight to their cargo and a variability that is much closer to the acceptable standards of their particular business.