Graham Parker, CEO, Gravity Supply Chain
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Graham Parker, CEO, Gravity Supply Chain

The supply chain is the backbone of the business. Not having a digitally connected end-to-end view of the critical path from inside the first mile down at the order SKU level is the weakest link of a business. The first mile in any supply chain is crucial to meeting demand and is usually the most significant risk and failure point to meet intake plans. If you cannot see it, you cannot act on it.

Having the ability to not only see what’s happening at the origin but also optimize and execute change from data-driven insights enables each stakeholder to have accurate, timely views to make decisions with certainty. This is even more crucial as businesses look to diversify manufacturing origins.

Another priority should be linking the physical supply chain with the financial chain. Supply chain financing needs to be refined from traditional block sum commitments against a myriad of POs that typically stop when there is a black hole. End-to-end order management visibility enables end-to-end milestone-based financing.

With our collaborative partners, we have implemented various data-driven solutions that have enabled our BCO and LSP customers the ability to synchronize and optimize their supply chains or that of their customers, ensuring risk to plan is mitigated as it becomes evident. The ability to manage the financial chain linked to the physical through the Gravity OM platform gives customers the option to look at multiple banks’ financing structures, as well as execute change on their end-to-end critical path.