Mario Cordero, CEO, Port of Long Beach
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Mario Cordero, CEO, Port of Long Beach

Digital transformation continues to evolve in the supply chain as we apply lessons learned post-pandemic from the supply chain disruption. In 2024, data will be at the forefront. The sooner data can be collected and “translated” into a normalized format that is easily consumable, the quicker benefits will flow to all links in the supply chain.

An effective, secure data-sharing environment will help shippers track their cargo through the supply chain, maximize efficiency and bring greater visibility throughout the supply chain. From point of origin to arrival at the dock and shipment to final destination, the availability of data in real time will be a game changer.

Aggregated data will enable logistics partners to better plan, schedule and track cargo movement from origin to destination. Stakeholders will be able to make scheduling, planning and payment decisions prior to cargo arrival, speeding deliveries. Port authorities are the natural developers of information sharing platforms given our links to virtually every player in the goods movement process. A collaborative effort underway among East Coast and West Coast ports has the potential to lead us to a digital data-sharing platform across the marine logistics industry and ultimately extend it to other US seaports. A new information-sharing tool, designed to increase efficiency and connectivity, while protecting propriety data, will complement existing systems and operations related to the movement of cargo by ship, rail and truck.

The nation’s ports have historically served as innovation hubs for their regions. Now is the time for them to provide information highways for cargo owners, ocean carriers, terminal operators, railroads, truckers and labor, among others. As local ports return to more normal, pre-pandemic cargo volumes and turn attention back to growing market share, having reliable data that can be shared among stakeholders will be critical to our success in 2024.