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John J. Boudreau

Entering a tunnel for the first time, you never know how long it will be until you get to the other side. We have all entered and exited tunnels during our lives and lived to tell about it. A tunnel, after all, is a conveyance from where we have been, to where we are going. 2009 will find our country, economy, industry and world at some mile-marker in some tunnel we have not traversed before. So what? If you want to get to the other side, you keep going. This country has the potential to lead this economy, this industry and the world to the other side. In 2009, we could very well see a resurgence of American industriousness that will drive the global economy to new heights. Through a combination of here-and-now financial fixes and more enduring and challenging and inspirational endeavors, this country could thrive and lead the way for other nations to follow. Government projects that address long-overdue infrastructure improvements in the U.S. and worldwide could see daylight in 2009. These are great opportunities to put people to work in meaningful endeavors and revive a sagging economy. Energy exploration and innovation also present growth opportunities, though $50-per-barrel oil prices may take some wind out of those sails in the short term. Our industry will carry the goods that will facilitate this future. These are the most exciting times to be alive and engaged in a mission of such great importance and challenge. The ocean transportation industry has invested in the future and will not easily be derailed by current financial and economic challenges. 2009 could mark a year where industry, transportation and government coalesce to lead a recovery and pave the way forward for future growth and development.