Will O’Donnell, Managing Director, ProLogis Ventures

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Will O’Donnell, Managing Director, ProLogis Ventures

Harnessing AI in logistics can revolutionize supply chains and boost business performance. The power of AI lies in converting data into actionable insights, driving data-fueled decision making.
AI’s impact on the industry currently takes two forms: predictive AI and generative AI. Predictive AI uses data mining and machine learning to forecast future events, while generative AI creates new data, such as images or text, showcasing AI’s potential adaptability and creativity.

These AI forms can have transformative impacts in logistics real estate. One significant application is using AI to scan a vast number of legal documents, mining insights on entitlements, zoning, municipal sentiment, labor availability and transportation networks — all contributing to optimized strategic location planning.

Generative design tools can speed up the decision-making process, allowing for quicker customer responses and streamlined site layout planning. 

Another breakthrough application is creating visibility in global supply chains, including monitoring the movement of goods in and out of buildings. This ensures security and compliance while maintaining business continuity and meeting sustainability goals.
Digital yard solutions provide real-time insights for customers on their facility’s trucks, chassis and containers. There is also an increasing overlap between AI and robotics, transforming warehouse operations. Automated robotics can revolutionize the picking and packing process, mitigating labor challenges and enhancing efficiency.

Lastly, AI advances the search for the right data within complex data silos. By understanding data value and using it effectively businesses are better poised for growth in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

The potential of AI in logistics cannot be underestimated. Our future will be increasingly data-driven, and logistics industry players must adapt to stay competitive.