1700 Independent Forwarders Gather in Vietnam

JOC Staff |
The WCA Family of Logistic Networks has just completed its largest ever-annual WCA Family Conference Week in Ho Chi Minh City from February 20 to 27. The event boasted over 1700 delegates from over 100 countries – consisting of independent freight forwarders from across the globe coming together at one venue in order to build and strengthen business between fellow members of the WCA Family.

Entrance to the week long event is exclusive to members of the WCA Family and has been the highlight of the year for many of the delegates. The event was a resounding success; Sean Bradley – Managing Director for Barloworld Logistics commented that “the conference was absolutely fantastic and extremely well organized a credit to the whole WCA Family group and congratulations on putting together such a slick, well-organized event.”

The yearly event has grown consistently every year with more and more delegates from across the globe realizing the amount of business exchanged among fellow independents. With business being the highlight the event is also intended for independents to exchange knowledge base and to help one another improve their services for their customers. As an independent forwarder the flexibility and adaptability is what allows them to react immediately to their client’s needs rather than the reverse.

With primarily top level management attending business deals can be made in an instance and the one-on-one system is the perfect tool for the venue, with 30 minutes allocated for each individual meeting, members are able to make agreements without delay talking with fellow top level decision makers. The event boasts over 50,000 individual one-on-one, face-to-face meetings and many more done informally at gala dinners, cocktail receptions and even during the city tour.

With millions of dollars in new business being created and new partnerships forged at the conference 2011 has started with a bang for the independent freight forwarders and members of the WCA Family.