2011 Opening, Closing Session Speakers Announced by IANA-NITL-TIA

JOC Staff |
CALVERTON, MD – ARLINGTON, VA – ALEXANDRIA, VA, Aug. 4, 2011 – The most highly- anticipated freight transportation event in North America will be held Nov. 13-15, 2011 when the Intermodal Association of North America, The National Industrial Transportation League, and the Transportation Intermediaries Association hold their co-located conferences at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Ga.

Over 2,000 senior freight transportation and logistics executives along with 200+ exhibitors are expected to attend the 2011 event that features IANA’s Intermodal Expo, The NITL’s TransComp Exhibition and Annual Membership Meeting, and TIA’s Fall Meeting.

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood has been invited to address attendees at this year’s Joint Opening General Session (Mon., Nov. 14 – 9:00 a.m.). Freight transportation has been a focal point of the Obama Administration and his remarks are expected to provide insight on critical issues of interest to industry professionals. Secretary LaHood has helped develop and implement the Obama Administration’s freight transportation priorities and policies while leading an agency with more than 55,000 employees and a $70 billion budget. He currently presides over America’s largest public works endeavor in recent history – rebuilding and extending America’s transportation infrastructure as part of the President’s economic stimulus package.

Captain Mark Kelly (USN-Ret.), Commander of the Space Shuttle Endeavour during its final mission, will be the featured Speaker at this year’s Industry Awards Luncheon (Tue., Nov. 15 – 12:45 p.m.). Captain Kelly was selected to serve as an astronaut in 1996 after a career as a decorated Navy aviator who flew numerous combat missions. Already known for his professional accomplishments, Kelly became a media icon after the January 2011 assassination attempt on his wife, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8). During his remarks, he will share his experiences in the military, as a Space Shuttle Commander, and as a caregiver for his wife. He feels that the same leadership qualities he learned as a Navy pilot and shuttle commander were emulated by the team that helped save Rep. Giffords’ life.

Additional information about the IANA Intermodal Expo, the NITL TransComp Exhibition, and TIA’s Fall Meeting is available at the following Websites: IANA Intermodal Expo – www.intermodal.org; NITL TransComp Exhibition – www.nitl.org; and, TIA Fall Meeting – www.tianet.org. Information for potential exhibitors is also available at www.freightexpo.net.