AAPA Communications Seminar To Focus On Infrastructure Advocacy

JOC Staff |
The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), in coordination with the Georgia Ports Authority, will host the seminar Communicating the Importance of Infrastructure Investment, June 21-23, in Savannah, Ga. Targeting public and government relations professionals throughout the freight transportation industry, the conference will focus on effectively communicating with policymakers, and those who influence policy, on the benefits of freight infrastructure improvements.

Another focus of the program will be to help those who advocate for freight break down the barriers that may separate their organization's government relations and public relations functions. Doing so can create operational synergies that better enable communicators to reach infrastructure policy and legislation influencers and decision-makers.

With tight budgets at local, regional and federal levels, it is more important than ever that individuals, businesses, ports and other entities with a vested interest in goods movement strongly and effectively advocate for a greater focus on, and heightened funding for, freight transportation infrastructure, said AAPA President/CEO Kurt Nagle.

Among the array of multimodal experts on transportation policy, government relations and public communications will be keynote speakers Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, representing the Building America's Future coalition, who will address the topic of Successfully Promoting the Infrastructure Investment Agenda; and former U.S. Senator Mack Francis Mattingly (R-GA 1981-87), who will address Effectively Communicating with Key Legislators.

Other seminar topics include:
  • Infrastructure Agendas of Freight Stakeholder Groups
  • Successful Activities That Promote the Value of Infrastructure Investment
  • Measuring Success By Outcomes and Outputs
  • Utilizing Social Media for Internal & External Stakeholder Outreach
  • Perspectives on Connecting With Policymakers
  • Effective Grassroots Advocacy Programs
  • Rising Above the Clamor-Leveraging the Media Spotlight
  • Are Gateways the Way?
WHO: American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), in coordination with the Georgia Ports Authority.
WHAT: Seminar covering issues related to infrastructure policy and investment advocacy.
WHERE: Hyatt Regency Savannah, Two West Bay St., Savannah, GA 31401; Phone: 912-238-1234; Fax: 912-944-3678. (Note: $149/night rate available through AAPA room block if booked by May 27.)
WHEN: June 21-23, 2011 (Days 1 & 2, 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Day 3, 8:30 a.m. - noon)
INFO: More information about AAPA's Communicating the Importance of Infrastructure Investment seminar is available at http://www.aapa-ports.org/2011PUBREL or by calling AAPA's Ed O'Connell at 703- 684-5700.
MEDIA: Credentialed media wishing to cover the business sessions of this event are asked to call or email AAPA's Aaron Ellis (tel: 703-706-4714 / email: aellis@aapa-ports.org) in advance to obtain a media badge

About AAPA
Founded in 1912, AAPA today represents 160 of the leading seaport authorities in the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean and more than 300 sustaining and associate members, firms and individuals with an interest in seaports. As a critical link for access to the global marketplace, each year, Western Hemisphere seaports generate trillions of dollars of economic activity, support the employment of millions of people and, in 2008, imported and exported more than 7.8 billion tons of cargo, valued at $8.6 trillion, including food, clothing, medicine, fuel and building materials, as well as consumer electronics and toys. The volume of cargo shipped by water is expected to dramatically increase by 2020 and the number of passengers traveling through our seaports will continue to grow. To meet these demands, the AAPA and its members are committed to keeping seaports navigable, secure and sustainable.