AgTC Announces Results of the 7th Annual Ocean Carrier Performance Survey

JOC Staff |
Each year the Agriculture Transportation Coalition surveys a broad and diverse cross-section of the US agriculture and forest products exporters and importers, from all geographic locations, of virtually all dry and refrigerated products, via dry and refrigerated container, to determine the ocean carrier performance.

The Survey rates ocean carriers in each of the following categories:
  1. Booking and/or Pre-shipment Customer Service;
  2. Terminal Service and Equipment Availability;
  3. Documentation; Post-Shipment Services;
  4. Vessel; Schedules/on Time Transit.
This year, 3 carriers were rated as the Top Ranked Carrier for 2012, in alphabetical order, they are:
  • APL
  • 'K' Line America, Inc
  • OOCL (USA), Inc.

Each carrier was personally presented with a Plaque by a valued exporter member of the Agriculture Transportation Coalition, at the Dinner of 25th Annual Meeting of the AgTC, in San Francisco on June 21, 2012