ALAN Seeks To Identify and Meet Critical Relief Needs in Japan

JOC Staff |
Minneapolis, March 14, 2011 – In the wake of the tragic earthquake in Japan, the American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) is working to identify critical needs and communicate them to concerned members of the supply chain community.

ALAN, a non-profit organization that engages the supply chain community in support of humanitarian relief efforts, is in regular contact with its relief agency partners to identify needs.

“In situations like this, it takes time for specific needs to emerge,” said Jock Menzies, ALAN president. “With a disaster of this magnitude, supply chain-related needs will certainly become apparent, and we will actively involve our members to ensure a rapid and effective response. Right now, monetary donations are the most effective. A flood of unsolicited in-kind donations could clog the relief pipeline and actually slow humanitarian aid efforts.”

As needs are identified that can be met through the expertise and resources of ALAN’s member base, association members will be notified, and the needs will be posted on the ALAN web portal: Organizations that have previously established relationships with relief agencies can work with those groups to coordinate their donations of goods or services.

In the interim, reputable sources of information include:
InterAction –
Center for International Disaster Information –
The United States Pacific Command –
The UN Logistics Cluster –

“The situation is truly catastrophic,” said Menzies. “Our hearts go out to the people of Japan. We are committed to sharing the resources of our supply chain community to help them rebuild and recover as quickly as possible.”

About American Logistics Aid Network
The American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) engages the supply chain community to support humanitarian relief efforts. ALAN makes supply chain related donation needs visible to the logistics industry and establishes an efficient process for providing the necessary goods and services through its web portal,