American Global Logistics Employee Foundation Donates Container Services

JOC Staff |
American Global Logistics Employee Foundation (AGLEF) has partnered with Children's International to donate containerized freight services for two projects, one to Barranquilla, Columbia and one to Guatemala City, Guatemala. We are pleased and honored to partner with Children's International on these projects. Children's provides need based supplies to some of the poorest areas in the world and we were fortunate to use our expertise in logistics to support this Charity said Chad Rosenberg from AGLEF.

The American Global Logistics Employee Foundation was created in 2011 with a gift from American Global Logistics of $1million. The goal of the foundation is to create a bridge for under served populations and organizations, that give individuals the opportunity to improve their lives. We are an international organization that operates on a global scale, yet believes in the impact we can make by giving back locally. AGLEF encourages its employees involvement who will assist and determine how the foundation will support the needs of our local communities.

As a nonprofit humanitarian organization, Children's International strives to help children around the world overcome the burdens of poverty to become healthy, educated, self-sustaining and contributing members of society. This goal is achieved primarily through child sponsorship, which unites children in need with individual sponsors who wish to address the children's immediate and basic needs, and gives them the tools and opportunities necessary for success. In addition to sponsorship, we work to further improve the living conditions of children and families who live in poverty. Through projects such as latrine building, clean-water initiatives and income-generation programs, we help families live healthier and happier lives. We continue to provide safe, sturdy homes for impoverished families who suffer in substandard housing. Through our housing program, we've built hundreds of new homes for victims of natural disasters, such as hurricanes and fires; and thousands of homes have been repaired and upgraded with sturdy roofs and concrete floors.