APM Terminals Lends Expertise to IFC Seminar on Public Private Partnership in Ports in Cairo, Egypt

JOC Staff |
IFC-sponsored event for government officials from emerging markets in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia promotes awareness and use of best practices, industry expertise, and resources.

Cairo, Egypt - APM Terminals' Business Development Director for the Africa, Middle East and India Region, Thomas Hougaard, delivered a presentation entitled Harnessing Private Sector Competence to Deliver Public Sector Goals as part of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) seminar on Public Private Partnerships in Ports for government infrastructure and transportation leaders. The IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, conducted the two-day event with the support of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA), the Islamic Development Bank, and DevCo-a multi-donor program affiliated with the Private Infrastructure Development Group and supported by the UK's Department for International Development, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Swedish International Development Agency, and the Austrian Development Agency.

Private funding for port infrastructure projects remains a key issue as the global economy emerges from recession and new port and terminal development becomes a critical factor in future economic growth in the region. Expertise and experience in port operations will help reduce costs and attract cargo thereby acting as an enabler for emerging market economies.

Once a safe and secure working environment is achieved, operational advancements can be pursued, which means increased capacity through heightened productivity levels without the need for expensive construction noted Hougaard, who cited APM Terminals' success in Apapa, Nigeria where congestion and waiting times have been dramatically improved through operational performance even as throughput has doubled to approximately 600,000 TEUs in the past four years. APM Terminals assumed management responsibility for the Apapa Container Terminal in 2005, and currently operates 8 facilities in West Africa, three in the Middle East, and two on the Indian sub-continent.

The need for cooperation and streamlined processes were also emphasized by Hougaard, as well as the fostering by local governments and port authorities of an overall environment favorable to successful business enterprise.

There are many benefits of Public-Private partnerships in port development, particularly in economically developing markets, but it is important that the public sector recognize shared goals, and allow operator freedom said Hougaard.

About APM Terminals
- providing the port infrastructure to drive global commerce
APM Terminals operates a Global Terminal Network of 50 terminals with 18,000 employees in 34 countries that provide the port infrastructure essential to international transportation and global economic growth. The company is the independent port operator of the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group. The liner shipping industry, served by APM Terminals and other operators, carries $4.6 trillion worth of international trade - approximately one third of the total value of global commerce.

The company works closely with the international shipping community and national governments to reduce costs, deliver operational excellence and improve market access worldwide. Access to modern marine infrastructure drives local, regional and international market competitiveness and economic development. In 2007, the global shipping industry provided 4.2 million jobs worldwide, representing compensation of $27.2 billion, and accounted for $29.4 billion in capital investment, generating $183.3 billion to global GDP, according to a recent study commissioned by the World Shipping Council.

For logistics professionals, the Global Terminal Network plays an important role in supply chain management with location, capacity, flexibility and efficiency clearly linked to supply chain success and port-centric logistics.