Launches Cloud Terminal Tools

JOC Staff |
HONG KONG, 11 January 2012 ­ launches cloud based collaborative planning, optimization and performance measurement apps for container terminal operators. The tools are instantly available via a web interface and a zero investment, pay-as-you-go usage scheme entailing little or no own terminal technical infrastructure and IT management tasks, and no complex technical deployment project.

The business services tools are provided against a low monthly usage fee -typically a few hundred Euros per month- and a volume dependant transaction fee -typically 1-2 Euros. All apps are accessible from mobile devices like handhelds and mobile phones, and all apps are prepared for collaboration. The terminal users can share selected information with internal stakeholders, external partners like customers or suppliers, or publish on own public website or to corporate Facebook and Twitter accounts.

All data transfer from the terminal TOS to the hosted platform is safe-guarded by embedded encryption and business transaction and collaborative services are provided on arl-shipping.com¹s cloud servers secured by personal credentials.'s director and CEO, René Bendt states We think in, that it is about time the terminal industry -like other industries- gets to benefit from business systems provided in the cloud on pay-as-you-go financial schemes. Hence we are launching a number of new platforms and redeploying most of existing solutions to the cloud. He

The business tools are all easy & fast to deploy, include a minimum footprint within the terminal¹s own IT infrastructure, are without any upfront investments and are born as collaborative tools with mobile access.

First platforms:
More details and sign-up forms for the apps are available from above links. More information about collaborative platform:

For additional information on solutions contact Evgeny Drokov or visit

About Limited provides innovative and configurable IT solutions to the global transportation community. IT solutions are developed by ARL Consulting B.V's Siberian transportation software development centre in Novosibirsk, Russia.