BRT Praises Senate Approval of Bipartisan Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Legislation

JOC Staff |
Washington – Business Roundtable (BRT) applauded today’s strong bipartisan Senate vote to reauthorize the U.S. Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank and thanked Congressional leaders and the President for their efforts on this important legislation.

“Today’s Senate vote ensures Ex-Im will continue to be available to U.S. exporters in coming years, and that is good news for the U.S. economy,” said Jim McNerney, Chairman, President and CEO of The Boeing Company, and Chairman of Business Roundtable. “U.S. businesses want nothing more than a level playing field, and as long as the playing field is level, American companies and their workers will thrive in the global economy.”

Today’s Senate action re-authorizes Ex-Im funding through September 2014, and also increases the Ex-Im Bank’s current lending authority cap, which could be reached any day.

“The Export-Import Bank plays a vital role in helping to secure the purchase of U.S. products and services by customers in other countries,” said Doug Oberhelman, Chairman and CEO of Caterpillar Inc., and Chair of BRT’s International Engagement Committee. “Reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank provides the certainty many U.S. companies need to pursue business deals and increase their sales abroad. We thank the Senate for its timely action, and commend President Obama and the leaders of both parties for coming together to support the U.S. economy and the international competitiveness of American companies.”