CEVA’s CEO sets out challenge for the global logistics industry

JOC Staff |
  • Maximum value in supply chain comes from collaborative process
  • CEVA’s consulting practice providing solutions to customers
  • CEVA’s Center of Logistics Excellence available for customer demonstrations.

Chicago, USA, 26 June, 2013 – Marvin O. Schlanger, Chief Executive Officer of CEVA Logistics, one of the world’s leading non-asset based supply chain management companies, spoke as the opening keynote panelist at the 11th annual 3PL summit in Chicago.

On the supply chain industry: Schlanger said: “The breadth and depth of supply chain industry activities in support of customers are complex and critical for customer success. The range of skills, knowledge, and commitment is something we should be proud of; however, the value we deliver goes beyond just reducing the cost of handling goods. The real value comes from the customer and supplier working together to optimize the end-to-end design of a supply chain.”

Schlanger added; “CEVA has created a consulting practice to address this need and we are now delivering this value. Our Supply Chain Solutions offering is giving clients more visibility to their product movements. These are two examples of how we will continue to focus on operational excellence for our customers.”

On the global economy: Schlanger said: “We see it the same way as most. The overall global economy is not particularly strong. Europe in particular is weak and not improving.

“Overall, though, I am optimistic about the future. An energy revolution in the US is creating a manufacturing renaissance that will stimulate the US economy and consumer spending. In the past, we have seen US consumers help lift economies around the world.”

What’s next for CEVA Logistics: “Our sights are firmly set on the future and we are focused on growing the business. We have recently announced a number of investments and contracts that will stand us in good stead in the future.

“For example, we announced a cloud computing deal with IBM, reinforcing how we are investing in our IT infrastructure.

“We opened our ‘City of Pharma’ in Stradella, Italy, enabling CEVA to reach more than 13,500 pharmacies, hospitals and other locations. This investment builds on our success in the ‘City of Books’ that now handles more than half the books read in Italy each year.

“We have also opened our first Center of Logistics Excellence in Jacksonville, Florida, where we demonstrate our full range of capabilities to our customers in a real operating environment.”

Schlanger added: “Our global footprint is an asset for CEVA and for our customers. Our solutions design capabilities are unsurpassed and our new offerings are finding traction in the marketplace. CEVA is well positioned for success in the supply chain industry.

“We are grateful to our customers for their business and we intend to invest more in driving value for them.”