China Post Logistics selects RedPrairie Warehouse Management for Guangxi distribution center

JOC Staff |
CHINA – RedPrairie Corporation <; , a productivity software provider, has announced Guangxi China Post Logistics has selected RedPrairie’s Warehouse Management solution to direct operations in its 8,000 square meter distribution center in Guangxi.

Guangxi China Post hopes to use RedPrairie’s solution to improve its DC’s efficiency and inventory accuracy.

“We selected RedPrairie based on their solution’s track record and reliability,” says Ziyang Huang, Deputy General Manager, Guangxi Post Express Delivery & Logistics Co. “The service-oriented architecture is flexible, the user interface makes it easy to operate, and overall functionality is robust. As a whole, we hope the solution will allow us to provide better logistics service for our customers.”

Guangxi China Post was particularly interested in managing inventory at a granular level, with visibility into individual serial numbers. The company also cited access control and global capabilities as core purchasing criteria for their selection of RedPrairie’s Warehouse Management solution.

“China Post Logistics company is considered by many to be one of the top three logistics companies in China,” says Rod Talbot, RedPrairie EVP & Managing Director Asia Pacific. “The cooperation their company and others like it demonstrate has resulted in a greater degree of strength and depth between RedPrairie and its customers. We intend for this project to illustrate our continuing commitment to the Chinese region, and international business as a whole.”