Con-way Inc. Launches Public Policy & Sustainability Blog

JOC Staff |
This week, Con-way Inc. expanded its presence in the blogosphere with the launch of the Public Policy & Sustainability Blog at

Please join industry experts David Miller, Randy Mullett and special guest bloggers as they present commentaries and promote active dialogue around key issues important to the transportation and logistics community in the United States and around the world.

The Public Policy & Sustainability Blog provides a platform for reasoned and informed discussion of issues and topics related to public policy and sustainability as they pertain to freight transportation and logistics. We welcome your participation. If you are interested in contributing to this ongoing thought leadership and discussion forum, we encourage you to register and share your ideas.

Please visit the Public Policy & Sustainability Blog often as we work to bring visibility and understanding to issues important to our industry and our communities, and to help shape the policies and actions that influence our future.

We look forward to your feedback. Please contact Gary Frantzor with any questions.