Corporate Risk Management topic of NAMEPA’s New York Seminar

JOC Staff |
September 27, 2010 - The North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA) will be offering a seminar on Corporate Risk Management, focusing on the need of the maritime industry to protect corporate value in today’s challenging operating environment. The seminar will take place on October 21st at the Harvard Club in New York commencing at 2:00PM. It will be followed by the annual NAMEPA Award Dinner recognizing APL for their efforts on behalf of preserving the marine environment through programs which are innovative and go beyond minimum environmental compliance. Gene Seroka, President of APL Americas will accept the NAMEPA Award on behalf of the company.

“Corporate risk management is the avoidance of unsound practices that ‘blow a multi-million, or multi-billion dollar hole’ in one’s company, threatening its very existence” stated NAMEPA Chairman Clay Maitland. “Risk management consists, in part, in avoiding the massive costs and liabilities that one associates with safety management. Examples of such costs and liabilities include huge payouts to claimants in the Exxon Valdez spill; the destruction of Union Carbide Corporation after the Bhopal poison gas tragedy, and the climbing costs associated with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The seminar will explore strategies and realities to mitigate these risks.”

NAMEPA’s Corporate Risk Management Seminar will feature Captain Blaine Collins of DNV, Dr. Steve Coan of Sea Research Foundation, Rob Lorigan and Janice Smith of Overseas Shipholding Group, RADM Brian Salerno of the United States Coast Guard, Joe Royce of TBS Shipping, Joe Hughes of the American Club, Gene Seroka of APL, and George Murphy of South River Maritime. The conference Chairman is Clay Maitland.

The NAMEPA Marine Environment Protection Award Dinner, honoring APL, will immediately follow the seminar. “APL has demonstrated a strong commitment on behalf of the marine environment, and has been proactive in protecting the health of our seas” stated Mr. Maitland. “We are pleased to recognize such an able, and distinguished, partner in working to ‘Save our Seas’ “.

The first NAMEPA Marine Environment Protection Award was presented two years ago posthumously to the founder of the MEPA movement, George P. Livanos who created HELMEPA 28 years ago due to his interest and concern for the marine environment. Last year the NAMEPA Award was presented to the United States Coast Guard.

In addition to its environmental policies and investment in technologies and practices to reduce its environmental footprint, such as variable combustion systems and the introduction of 53’ containers, APL is being recognized for its educational programs, working with groups around the globe to better understand the need for good stewardship of the environment. Their programs help raise the awareness of environmental protection.

The cost to attend is $75 for the seminar and $250 for the dinner. Dinner tables may be reserved for $2500. Please contact for reservations or call +203 255 4686.
Admittance is by reservation only and is limited.

The North American Marine Environment Protection Association was officially launched in 2007. In keeping with the mission of MEPAs worldwide, its aim is to increase environmental awareness and motivation of the human element within shipping and land-based industries that have a vested interest in preservation of the marine environment. Specifically, NAMEPA has the goal of educating the seafarers, port communities, and the wider public and school communities about the critical importance of the world’s oceans to mankind and the maritime industry’s role and actions to preserve it. NAMEPA is a maritime industry led initiative to “Save the Seas”, and welcomes members who share this mission. For more information, go to .