E-Fairness Advocates Make Case for Level Playing Field

JOC Staff |
Arlington, VA – Advocates for closing the decades-old loophole that has given online retailers an artificial competitive advantage over their brick and mortar competitors made their case before the House Judiciary committee this morning, making clear that local economies and jobs are at risk without Congressional action. Retail Industry Leaders Association Executive Vice President for Public Affairs Katherine Lugar commended Chairman Lamar Smith and Ranking Member Conyers for conducting an in-depth hearing on the Marketplace Equity Act (HR 3179), and urged Congress to act before the end of the year.

Today's hearing made three things abundantly clear: The current system is broken and the loophole enjoyed by online retailers is unfair to local retailers; fixing the system and closing this loophole is not a new tax; and the time is right for Congress to finally act, said Lugar.

Government shouldn’t be picking winners and losers by giving online companies an artificial competitive advantage. Retailers compete on price every single day, and it’s time for government to stop meddling in the free market by giving one segment of the retail industry special treatment over everyone else.

“Retailers are hopeful that today’s hearing will help solve any lingering issues and bring us closer to restoring a true free market. The best economic stimulus lawmakers can give Main Street retailers is a level playing field.

Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) is a trade association of the largest and most successful companies in the retail industry. Its member companies include more than 200 retailers, product manufacturers, and service suppliers, which together account for more than $1.5 trillion in annual sales. RILA members operate more than 100,000 stores, manufacturing facilities and distribution centers, have facilities in all 50 states, and provide millions of jobs domestically and worldwide.