Exports Slip in February 2012 Exports Continue to Show Strength over 2011

JOC Staff |
Falls Church, April 13, 2012– Steel exports declined 4 percent in February 2012 compared to January 2012 according to government data. “While several countries’ purchases of American made steel registered strong increases in February (Brazil and Venezuela), major export markets registered declines on a month to month basis. Exports to NAFTA and on the whole the rest of the Western Hemisphere and Asia all showed declines. Following the small decline in December to January, it can be speculated that improved US market conditions during the first quarter kept more steel at home in February too, but we will see if this trend continues as we move through 2012,” reported David Phelps, president AIIS.

Steel exports increased 23 percent in the first two months of 2012 compared to 2011. “We are encouraged that notwithstanding the pause in February compared to January, the trend remains positive in 2012 compared to 2011 as many countries’ economies continue to improve coming out of the recession and fast-growing developing counties buy more American made steel,” concluded Phelps

Total Steel exports in February 2012 were 1.211 million tons compared to 1.262 million tons in January 2012, a 4% decrease, and a 27.3% increase compared to February 2011. According to year-to-date figures, exports increased 23% compared to 2011 or from 2.010 million tons in 2011 to 2.473 million tons in 2012.

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