Freight Bill Processor Data2Logistics Preparing Companies for Inbound and Outbound Shipping during Hurricane Season

JOC Staff |
Fort Myers, Florida June 1, 2012 – With the onset of this year’s hurricane season, global freight bill processor, auditor and advisor Data2Logistics is preparing companies for their inbound and outbound shipping activities for expected hurricane and tropical storm activity. Data2Logistics provides information on carrier and route options, with the objective of uninterrupted transportation, in preparation for organizations’ supply chain risk management. Data2Logistics data mining and reporting relays companies’ available options based on specific logistical needs, identifying single source exposures that create the greatest risk.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center, the Atlantic Basin has a 70 percent chance of 9 to 15 named storms (with top winds of 39 mph or higher), of which four to eight will strengthen to a hurricane (with top winds of 74 mph or higher) and of those one to three will become major hurricanes (with top winds of 111 mph or higher, ranking Category 3, 4 or 5). NOAA’s forecast for the Eastern Pacific Basin estimates a 70 percent chance of 12 to 18 named storms, which includes 5 to 9 hurricanes, of which 2 to 5 are expected to become major hurricanes.

Data2Logistics provides a transportation cost-savings portfolio of freight bill auditing, processing payment and advisory services to companies who ship products domestically and internationally. Using actionable information from Data2Logistics’ powerful yet easy to use data mining and reporting tools, users are able to identify savings, as well as improve negotiations and quality of service with LTL, TL, parcel, overnight express, ocean, air and rail carriers.

Data2Logistics assists Global 1000, Fortune 1000 and SMB companies to reduce their product shipping costs by providing an outsourced opportunity to efficiently process, audit account code and pay their freight at a significantly lower cost than internal processes, while also identifying more carrier overcharges than internal systems. The company provides actionable information to better manage and control transportation cost, and supports clients with their carrier bid preparation, rate benchmarking, proposal analysis and negotiation for all modes on a global basis. As a single source of information, Data2Logistics seeks to identify opportunities for savings, report the reasons for variances, and determine and report variances in trends and opportunities to make in modal shifts, consolidate shipments, improve carrier utilization and adjust shipment size, as well as monitor accessorial cost, and costs per kilometre/mile. Reviewing over $15 billion worth of freight bills from thousands of carriers annually, the company offers a single-source solution for all modes of freight, resulting in savings averaging 5%-15% of product shipping expenditures per year.

For Data2Logistics services information, contact Harold Friedman, +1 609 577 3756 or

About Data2Logistics, LLC
Fort Myers, Florida-based Data2Logistics is a leader in supply chain logistics, cost management and freight payment. The company’s Ship Smarter and Save capabilities assist hundreds of clients in the Global 1000, Fortune 1000 and SMB categories, processing hundreds of millions of freight bills annually, valued in excess of $15 billion, saving clients an average of 5%-15% of their product shipping expenditures per year.

As an eight-time recipient of Inbound Logistics’ Top 100 Logistics IT Service Providers, their data mining capabilities creates actionable information for current and ongoing shipping cost savings. The company is the only service provider to work with clients and carriers to eliminate billing errors from recurring and to continuously improve and optimize their logistics networks and expenditures, domestically and globally. +