ITF world congress begins Sunday in Bulgaria

JOC Staff |

The four-yearly world congress of the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) will begin on Sunday in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Running from 10 to 16 August, the event is the ITF’s supreme decision making event, at which its affiliated trade unions set the agenda for the next four years and elect its executive board, president, vice presidents and general secretary.

Approximately 1800 people, including staff and participants from 371 trade unions in 116 countries, have registered for the congress, which will be the 43rd in the ITF’s 118 year history.

The whole event can be followed online as it happens at, on Facebook and Twitter at (hashtag is #ITFcongress2014).

The event is being held at Sofia’s National Palace of Culture, and is hosted by the ITF’s affiliated Bulgarian unions, with special support from the Federation of Transport Trade Unions of Bulgaria (FTTUB).

Further press releases will follow before and during the event.


About the ITF

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is a global organisation representing over 4.5 million transport workers in some 700 trade unions in over 150 countries worldwide. For more details see

About the ITF congress

Congress is the ITF’s supreme decision making event, at which its affiliated trade unions are able to decide the course the organisation will take for the next four years. It elects the ITF’s executive board, president, vice presidents and general secretary. To learn more visit

ITF congress website

The ITF congress has its own dedicated website at - with everything from live reporting to film, photos and documents.

Press registration

Press wishing to attend are encouraged to register in advance at ; places are limited and it may not be possible to turn up and secure one in Sofia

Film and photos

Photos for press use can be downloaded from They are provided free of charge. A credit is not required

Press contact

The press contact up to 10 August is Sam Dawson, then during congress itself it will be Darrin Barnett.


