Job step automation added to ITS’ G-POS suite of container terminal optimisation tools

JOC Staff |
Already installed on several leading terminals the ITS G-POS RTLS (Real Time Location System) incorporates GPS technology and is embedded unobtrusively in the terminals operation. The system automatically keeps track of every piece of mobile equipment on site and monitors the storage and retrieval location for every container being moved. From the moment a container comes off the ship or through the gate all movements can be automatically identified and their locations tracked.

G-POS has various modules that plug directly into the system and include a messaging system, security access system, systems for equipment operational status monitoring and automatic vehicle ID, and now ITS have added fully automated job step reporting.

Job step reporting is a critical process to better manage both the yard strategy and equipment deployment. The progress of the CHE (Container Handling Equipment) is reported as it makes its way through the yard and this allows the TOS to make decisions on equipment optimisation. In the past this tends to have been achieved by the equipment operator manually confirming he has reached the target location in order to get the next job step. Whilst ITS systems have always provided a constant feed of the equipment locations this has not always been enough for the TOS to identify when the next step is required.

The new module allows the equipment mounted G-POS system to monitor and read the job steps sent from the TOS, it understands where this is in the yard and can relate this to its current location. As the equipment is approaching the end of the current step the on-board G-POS system automatically issues a job step completed report without a driver input. The next step is then automatically sent to the driver to allow the smooth transition from one step to another without the driver having to stop or input data whilst the equipment is in motion.

Richard Lambert, ITS’ Managing Director commented “this new G-POS module is already in operation on straddle carriers in a major European terminal. We are very pleased with the positive feed back we are receiving from the operators and are also pleased that whilst the installation is still relatively new the customer is already reporting significant productivity gains and has by-passed any initial dip normally attributed to users unfamiliarity with a new system”

“We see this as confirmation of G-POS’ intuitive nature and ease of use. We have paid great attention to the system usability to ensure our customers maximise the benefits at the earliest opportunity”