Jumbo Offshore opens new office in Perth, Australia

JOC Staff |
With several deepwater projects successfully completed over the last few years and in recognition of the growth potential in South-East Asia, Jumbo Offshore has decided to open a new Regional Office in Perth, Australia. The office is headed by Mr Sjoerd Meijer, Business Development Manager Australia & SE Asia.

Mr Meijer started his career at Jumbo’s Headquarters in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) in 2003. From 2007, he worked as Project Manager on several projects including Jumbo’s ‘Kikeh’ (Malaysia) and ‘Cascade and Chinook’ (GOM, USA) projects.

In his new role as dedicated local representative, Mr Meijer is tasked with seeking out opportunities and winning subsea installation work for Jumbo’s two DP2 vessels: HLV Jumbo Javelin and HLV Fairplayer.

A short project history of Sjoerd Meijer,
Business Development Manager SE Asia & Australia:

Britannia Satellites (2006) - Manifolds & foundation piles installation

North East Gateway (2007) - Installation of suction anchors, offloading buoys & SSW-connections

Kikeh (2008) - Mooring Installation Project, incl. pile hammering

Cascade & Chinook (2009) - Transportation & installation of 5 FSHR’s (the deepest of this type)

Jumbo Offshore
Jumbo Offshore has access to 14 Heavy Lift Vessels, two of which are DP2-class: the Jumbo Javelin and the Fairplayer. These DP2 vessels can be used for subsea installation work including the installation of subsea structures and the installation of moorings for floating production systems.
In August 2009, deep water winches have been installed in the Fairplayer. With these winches Jumbo Offshore is able to lift large and heavy structures from deck and place them on the seabed without the need for subsea transfer. Typical weights which can be installed are 600 t in 1,700 m and 200 t in 3,000 m.

For further information please contact:

Jumbo Offshore, Rotterdam (HQ)

Jan-Hein J.F. Reeringh
Communications & Public Relations Manager
T +31 10 413 46 30
@ jreeringh@kahn.nl
WWW www.jumbo-offshore.nl
Jumbo Offshore, Perth

Mr Sjoerd Meijer,
Business Development Manager Australia & SE Asia

AMP Tower, Level 28
140 St. George's Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Office: +61 (0)8 9278 2627
Mobile: +61 (0)488 787890
Email: smeijer@jumbo-offshore.com.au
Web: www.jumbo-offshore.com