Krishnapatnam Port Sets All India Record for Coal Discharging

JOC Staff |
Krishnapatnam Port has set an all India record for discharging 71,587 tons of steam coal in just 24 hrs using the conventional unloading system.

Vessel MV. Pedhoulas Trader carrying 77,005 tons called at Krishnapatnam Port on 19th March, 2011. The discharging was completed in just 29 hours 50 minutes and sailed on 21st March, 2011.

This feat surpassed Krishnapatnam Port’s previous record of 57,564 tons which was also an all India record then and was established barely a few days earlier on March 12, 2011 for vessel MV. Yusho Spica.

This achievement stands out as the fastest discharge rate, using conventional system, in the history of any port in India & possibly in the world. Krishnapatnam port has become synonymous for series of record shattering performances.

One of India's largest and fastest growing ports, Krishnapatnam Port is swiftly developing into a major Coal hub of India. The port has state-of-the-art cargo handling equipments for quick turnaround of vessels making Indian exporters & importers globally competitive. Apart from its strategic location, Krishnapatnam Port connects demand with supply, industry with port, rail & road with port and capital with business in a harmoniously mutual beneficial manner.