Lean Thinking for Supply Chains, Logistics, and Material Handling

JOC Staff |
Cambridge, MA, January 10, 2011 -- The nonprofit Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) today announced a spring 2011 schedule for workshops on how to implement lean principles in supply chain, logistics, material handling, warehouse, and distribution operations. The schedule is:

Lean Warehousing and Distribution Operations
Feb. 2-3, 2011, San Francisco
April 5-6, 2011, Chicago

Learn how to begin implementing lean principles step-by-step in a warehouse, using techniques such as lean storage, standardized work, and visual management. Topics also include development of small-batch work assignments, operational diagrams, and a work load plan to create a just-in-time operation based on levelized work, pull, and continuous flow. The workshop is taught by LEI faculty member Dave Graham.

Making Materials Flow
April 5, 2011, Chicago

Learn how to implement, sustain, and improve a dependable material-handling system for purchased parts from the receiving door to the shipping door. This workshop focuses on how to transition from a mass-production material-handling system to a lean system that reliably supplies purchased parts to continuous-flow cells, small-batch processing, and traditional assembly lines using pull, tuggers instead of lift trucks, timed delivery routes, a central supermarket, and the critical Plan for Every Part. The workshop is taught by LEI faculty member Chris Harris, co-author of the Making Materials Flow, winner of a Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award.

Building the Lean Fulfillment Stream: Supply Chain and Logistics Management
April 7, 2011, Chicago

Learn how to apply lean principles to the extended enterprise, beginning with extended value-stream mapping to uncover waste. You’ll learn how to calculate “total cost of ownership” for material purchases, cut lead time and inventory, develop customer and supplier measurement systems, break down cross-functional barriers, implement pull systems for material replenishment, and establish supply-chain visibility. The workshop is taught by LEI faculty member Robert Martichenko, co-author of Building a Lean Fulfillment Stream: rethinking your supply chain and logistics to create maximum value at minimum total cost.

One-day workshops are $800. Two-day workshops are $1,600. Price includes tuition, all training materials, breakfast, lunch, and snacks each day. For complete details about content, instructors, discounts, special room rates, and to register, go to www.lean.org and click Education, call 617- 871-2900, or email registrar@lean.org .

What is Lean?
The terms lean manufacturing, lean production, or lean management refer to a complete business system for organizing and managing product development, operations, suppliers, customer relations, and the overall enterprise.

Lean Community Resources
Join LEI’s community of Lean Thinkers at www.lean.org to receive a weekly newsletter with lean management resources and news. You’ll also get access to case studies, webinars, archives of John Shook’s Lean Management column and Jim Womack’s thought-leading e-letter, and many other resources for your lean transformation.

Lean Enterprise Institute
Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc., was founded in 1997 by management expert James P. Womack, Ph.D., as a nonprofit research, education, publishing, and conference company with a mission to advance lean thinking around the world. We conduct research projects and support other lean initiatives such as the Lean Education Academic Network, the Lean Global Network and the Healthcare Value Leaders Network. Visit LEI at http://www.lean.org for more information.