New multi- purpose Maritime Community Centre opens in India

JOC Staff |
Shipping line Safmarine has recently celebrated the double opening of the Kakinada Maritime Community Centre and the ITF Seafarer Centre in the port of Kakinada in India. These centres, which aim to equip the local seafaring community with the necessary resources needed in the maritime industry, were opened on March 5th, 2011.

The main supporters of this project are ITF Seafarers’ Trust, Sailors’ Society, Safmarine and Safmarine customer, Cargill.

Larisa Thuije, Global Sustainability Manager, who was present at the opening said: “Safmarine fully supported the construction of the building as part of its programme for sustainable development through education. We are proud to be working with a diverse group of partners who support responsible economic development and who bring positive, measurable improvements to the communities in which we operate as a company. This joint collaboration also supports our ‘People Making the Difference’ philosophy by helping to uplift the lives of the people in local communities through education.”

These centres will be managed by UCSWA, the local partner of the Sailors’ Society, who will be responsible for providing ongoing support for seafarers who call there requiring information for their career development at sea. The centre will also support qualified and experienced seafarers by offering courses in order to enhance their areas of expertise.

The centres provide a number of welfare and community recreational facilities for local seafarers, their families and to retired, former and disabled seafarers. They will also be a valuable source of education for young people who are interested in following a career in the maritime industry by providing information, assistance and quality maritime training.