New Port of Hamburg Marketing Representative Office in Hong Kong

JOC Staff |
Port of Hamburg Marketing (HHM) is to open its own Port Representative Office in Hong Kong in January 2012. HHM’s existing cooperation with the German Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong will therefore cease at the end of 2011.

Cooperation with the office in Shanghai headed by Lars Anke will continue. The two HHM representative offices will coordinate their activities in the Chinese market and afford each other mutual support.

In Hong Kong, Anne Thiesen will represent the interests of the Hamburg seaport transport industry and the Hamburg metropolitan region from January 2012. She will build up contacts with Chinese logistics and shipping companies, as well as trade and industry plus trade associations.

Anne Thiesen is the founder and Managing Director of management consultants Anne Thiesen Limited Hong Kong. Having already worked in Hong Kong for six years, she is very familiar with both cultures and possesses well-founded experience of German-Chinese business relations, especially in the logistics, services, tourism, lifestyle & design, as well as healthcare areas.

China as a growth market is presenting the metropolitan region on the Elbe with continually growing container traffic, being the Port of Hamburg’s most important trading partner for seaborne foreign trade. One in every three of the containers being handled across quays in Hamburg originates from China or is destined for the Chinese market. In the first nine months of the year container traffic between Hamburg and ports in China totalled 2.3 million TEU, representing further growth of 11.7 percent. The conurbation on the Elbe and the ‘Middle Kingdom’ are linked by 27 liner services.