New 'Rumba/Prime 4' Service For Safmarine

JOC Staff |
Safmarine Container Lines will be introducing a direct, weekly service between the Indian Subcontinent, Middle East and East Coast of South America.

The new ‘Rumba/Prime 4’ service is the combination of a new Prime string with our existing L Class service which runs from East Coast South America to West Mediterranean and will complement our existing Prime and LatinAmerican services. (see below for full port rotations of these services).

Jan Scheck, Safmarine’s Chief Operating Officer says: “The Rumba/Prime 4, a direct, weekly service in the market, will ensure smooth sailing all the way from Latin America to the Middle East/Indian Subcontinent.

This service will be of great benefit to our Middle East and Latin America customers, especially those shipping refrigerated commodities, as it offers one of the fastest transit times in the market. Our transit time from Santos to Jeddah is now 18 days and from Santos to Jebel Ali in 24 days.

This service will also provide our European customers with additional service opportunities between Europe, Middle East/ISC, for example, direct port coverage is offered via the port of Genoa (Italy) and Barcelona (Spain) out of the Indian Subcontinent (ISC) and Middle East.

Our Spanish customers of refrigerated cargo (eg citrus and stone fruit) will also benefit from the short transit time from Spain to the Middle East with the direct call in Valencia”. 

This new service is further proof of our commitment to support the emerging markets of the Indian Subcontinent (ISC) and South America as well as the focus on our core markets of ISC, Africa and the Middle East.

’Rumba/Prime 4’ port rotation is as follows: 
Jebel Ali (UAE) – Jawaharlal Nehru (India) – Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) - Suez Canal (Egypt) – Genoa (Italy) – Barcelona(Spain) – Algeciras (Spain) – Tangier (Morocco) - Santos (Brazil) – Itajai (Brazil) – Paranagua (Brazil) – Montevideo (Uruguay) - Rio Grande (Brazil) – Santos (Brazil) - Algeciras (Spain) – Valencia (Spain) – Suez Canal (Egypt) – Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) – Salalah (Oman) – Jebel Ali (UAE). 

This service will deploy 11 vessels. The first southbound/westbound sailing of the Rumba/Prime 4 service will be the Maersk Danville (voyage 1113) in Jebel Ali on 31 July 2011 and on the northbound/eastbound sailing, the Laust Maersk (voyage 1112) in Brazil on 7August 2011. This service is operated together with sister company Maersk Line. 

Please also visit for latest schedule.