New SVITZER ECOtugs® raising the standard

JOC Staff |
SVITZER is setting a new environmental standard with two new-built ECOtugs that reduce fuel consumption by up to 10% compared to traditional tugs and NOx emissions up to 80%.
On Sunday 20 May, SVITZER GAIA, the first of the two tugs is being presented at the European Maritime Day in Gothenburg.

The new ECOtug is the result of more than two years of development by SVITZER’s new-building team in cooperation with several suppliers securing that the tug meets the IMO Tier 3 requirements, which take effect in 2016.

“Reducing fuel consumption and thus emissions is an important ambition for us. We believe the new ECOtugs are a clear demonstration of how SVITZER is taking the lead through innovation,” Robert Uggla, CEO of SVITZER explains.

Diesel-electric propulsion
During the two year design process, all components of the renowned SVITZER M-class, on which the new tugs are modelled, have been analysed and optimized.

Among the new features is diesel-electric propulsion that significantly reduces CO2-emissions. International research shows that medium-speed engines are most efficient when they operate at 80-85% of their capacity. Therefore the tugs are equipped with three engines and five different operational modes, Esben H. Grundtvig, Head of SVITZER Group New-building explains:

“The three-part engine is constructed with this in mind. As power requirements increase we can activate more engines. That way, we can stay close to the engine’s most efficient load zone at all times.”

Other features include fully electrical winches reducing noise and vibrations and at the same time eliminating potential oil spills on deck.

SVITZER GAIA will operate out of Gothenburg whereas SVITZER GEO, to be delivered within a few weeks, will operate out of Copenhagen and Malmö Port.

The new tugs are just one of SVITZER’s many ongoing environmental initiatives governed by SVITZER’s environmental plan which focuses on:
  • Fuel efficiency/emission reduction program
  • New tug design
  • Alternative fuels
SVITZER has since 2009 had a target of reducing CO2-emissions by 1% each year from 2009-2012.

SVITZER will continue to develop environmental friendly tugs and is already now in the process of developing the next generation of the ECOtug.

For further information please visit or contact Head of Communications, Jens Viby Mogensen +45 39 19 39 43.