NYK Included in DJSI for 11th Consecutive Year
On September 12, NYK was selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes(DJSI)* for an 11th straight year. And NYK will be included in DJSI Worldfor 2013/2014. The DJSI is a major yardstick for those engaging in sociallyresponsible investment (SRI),** investments in companies whose CSRactivities are considered to be upstanding.The DJSI recognition is based on an in-depth analysis of economic,environmental, and social criteria, such as corporate governance,water-related risks, and stakeholder relations.This year, over 3,000 companies, including about 300 Japanese companies,participated in the selection process, and 333 of those companies,comprising 21 Japanese companies, were eventually selected to be a part ofthe World Index.Like the FTSE4Good Index, which also includes NYK, the DJSI includes onlycompanies that have gone through a rigid evaluative process, which is animportant selection standard for investors who take an interest incorporate socially responsibility and sustainability.NYK, as a good corporate citizen, will continue to take an active role insocial issues, including the conservation of the environment, to contributeto the achievement of a better global society.* Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI): The results of the annual DJSIreview are announced jointly by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, the world'slargest, global resource for index-based concepts, data, and research, andSAM Sustainable Asset Management AG, a Switzerland-based company thatconducts assessments of corporate sustainability.**Socially Responsible Investment (SRI): investment based on not only acompany’s economic performance but also its environmental measures,compliance with laws, and other corporate social responsibility factors asevaluation criteria.