OnTrac Named One of SDCE's 2013 Green Supply Chain Award Winners

CHANDLER, Ariz., Nov. 21, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OnTrac is proud tobe one of Supply and Demand Chain Executive's 2013 Green Supply ChainAward winners.The sixth-annual awards honor sustainability efforts that impact thesupply chain, and are meant to recognize companies making green effortsand sustainability a core part of their supply chain strategy.OnTrac's built in regional hub-and-spoke model keeps freight on theground, which reduces the cost to its customers and keeps the companyenvironmentally conscious. OnTrac works to achieve measurablesustainability goals within our operations through the strategicplanning and location of our hubs and continuous driver routeoptimization with emissions reduction.Additionally, the OnTrac facilities work with local waste managementcompanies to reduce/consolidate waste in the most eco-friendly manners,and stay active with a cell phone and shipping material recyclingprogram. The company also provides complete online resources and apaperless payroll, encourages trip reduction and a corporate recyclingprogram."Our goal is a continuous pursuit to identify equipment, technologies,and strategies that reduce our fuel consumption and lower ouremissions," OnTrac Director of Fleet Operations Steve Heron said."OnTrac reduces its carbon footprint through improved fuel efficienciesand emissions reductions, thus demonstrating our commitment to operateresponsibly. We are proud to be recognized for our sustainabilityefforts by the Supply and Demand Chain Executives."The awards highlight companies that are making sustainability a corepart of the businesses and supply chain strategies. About 100submissions were received through an open nomination process.Submissions were judged based on the clarity and content of the goalsand strategy, the extent of the steps being taken, the impact of theresults to date and projected results, and the form and presentation ofthe information submitted. Utilizing renewable energy, minimizingwaste, and maximizing facility and solutions lifespans are allcomponents that leading companies in supply chain increasingly enforce.This year's sixth annual awards recognize small, mid-size and largeenterprises that leveraged green practices and solutions to furtherdrive sustainable improvements in their supply chain.