Open Ocean’s maritime risk management alliance welcomes IMO’s statements on use of private maritime security on vessels

JOC Staff |
May 24, 2012 -- Murray Hammick, Managing Director of Chenega Federal (UK) Ltd, the company behind the Open Ocean maritime risk management alliance, welcomed the IMO Secretary General’s recent comments on the use of private maritime security companies (PMSC), made at the commencement of Maritime Safety Committee 90 last week. In particular he endorsed the view that PMSC on board ships should be viewed as an exceptional measure to be used only in exceptional circumstances and subject to thorough risk assessment; “Our clients, particularly those operating vessels carrying dangerous liquid cargoes, wish to ensure that their ships, crews and cargoes are protected at all times to a level commensurate with the risk of the transit concerned. This might mean an armed on-board presence is recommended, but might also result in no team embarking” stated Mr. Hammick. “This method of operating is a challenge for those PMSC focussed on putting boots on deck, rather than looking at the overall characteristics of the individual transit.”

The Open Ocean intelligence-led, risk based approach to maritime security was developed at the request of a major tanker operating client concerned by the apparent absence of risk-optimised routing and security measures within a diverse fleet operation. Steve Maguire, the Open Ocean Project Manager, adds “It would be fair to say that in the early days of the project owners were not entirely comfortable with “no team required” transit risk assessments, despite the extensive experience of our teams. Over time, however, we have seen masters and owners become more confident with our recommendations for on board security.”

Open Ocean is an intelligence-led, integrated maritime security service, run along military lines and using best commercial practises, backed by a defence corporation with significant corporate resources and assets as well as impressive operational capabilities. Chenega Federal UK Ltd is a subsidiary of Chenega Corporation, an Alaskan Native Owned company headquartered in the USA. For more information on Open Ocean, go to