Port San Antonio Is Region’s Latest ISO-Certified Organization

JOC Staff |

SAN ANTONIO—Port San Antonio has joined the ranks of the region’s entities certified by Direct Assessment Services Certification for the ISO 9001:2008 standard of the Switzerland-based International Organization for Standardization, or ISO. The ISO 9001:2008 certification for quality management reflects the Port’s focus on following best business practices as it continues to grow as a regional industrial airport and railport.

ISO 9001:2008 is a group of quality management standards that include set procedures for key processes within certified entities, including their regular monitoring to ensure effectiveness, quickly resolve discrepancies and help ensure that the certified organization is continually improving.

“Port San Antonio has been hard at work for several years to refine our processes and prepare for ISO certification,” said Bruce Miller, President and CEO of Port San Antonio. “Certification is not an endpoint, but rather the latest milestone in our commitment to improve on an ongoing basis and exceed our customers’ expectations.”

Certification is of particular importance to Port San Antonio to support its existing customer base and as it works to attract new businesses and investors. While certification does not relate to the quality of an organization’s end products, it lets potential customers throughout the world know that standardized and well-recognized business practices are being applied. ISO certification is available in over 160 countries.

As part of the certification process, over the past year Port employees became familiarized with their respective areas of responsibility under ISO and developed an organizational system to continually improve processes. ISO procedures were established for key functional areas at Port San Antonio, which include real estate development and management; leasing and sales; marketing; business development; and airport and railport management, among others.

Port San Antonio’s certification is valid through September 2013. Upon renewal the Port will again undergo an independent audit review by an ISO registrar. Furthermore, during its first 18 months of certification, the Port will undergo audits every six months to ensure compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 standard.