Port of Seattle to Receive Department of Defense 2012 Employer Support Freedom Award

JOC Staff |
The Port of Seattle is one of 15 employers to receive the prestigious Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award at a ceremony Thursday night in Washington, D.C.

Since 1996, only 160 employers have received the award and the Port becomes the first public agency from the state of Washington to be honored for the support it gives Guard and Reserve employees. The Freedom Award is the highest of its kind given to employers by the Department of Defense.

“We are very proud of this distinct honor from the Department of Defense,” said Tay Yoshitani, Port of Seattle CEO. “Our guard and reserve employees give their all serving their country while working for the Port of Seattle, and this is a great way to recognize them for their sacrifices.”

More than 15 percent of Port of Seattle employees have served in the U.S. military. To help veterans transition into civilian employment, the Port established its Veterans Fellowship Program in 2007 and hired its first class of Fellows in spring 2008. Elements of the program include:

  • Placement of up to three transitioning veterans per session into six-month work assignments. These assignments range from entry-level to senior positions and include full pay and benefits;
  • Having participants follow a plan that provides on the job experience, training and career guidance and mentorship;
  • Helping veterans reframe their military skills into post-military employment; and
  • Training in resume-writing, job interview skills and workplace protocol.
Applicants in the program must have served at least three years as active duty or mobilized duty service and have been discharged within the last six months or be enrolled as a full-time student in a degree or certification program. To date, 26 veterans have participated in the program.

The Freedom Award is the Department of Defense's highest recognition given to employers for exceptional support of Guard and Reserve employees. These employers distinguished themselves from the 3,236 nominations received from Guardsmen and Reservists, or family members, acting on their behalf.

Others receiving the Freedom Award this year include Caterpillar, Citibank, Delta Air Lines, L-3 Communications and Verizon Wireless.