Reconnecting America Responds To Obama Infrastructure Initiative

JOC Staff |
Statement of John Robert Smith
President and CEO, Reconnecting America

We applaud the President for beginning a national dialogue on investment in transportation infrastructure. Reconnecting America understands the power of transit-oriented investments to transform our economy, strengthen our communities, and ensure our nation’s ability to compete globally.

Millions of Americans seek communities, large and small, where use of a car is an option, not a requirement. This proposal would support that objective, by providing more transportation choices for all Americans, no matter where they live – in an urban setting, small town, or rural area. In particular, the proposed investment in rail and transit holds great potential as a catalyst for the creation of thriving communities through multi-modal transportation connections and resulting transit-oriented development.

Additionally, the proposed infrastructure bank would leverage private-sector investment to help turn innovative regional plans into reality. Prioritization of transportation investments based on principles of performance, innovation, and accountability, along with better coordination of federal programs, will lead to faster project delivery and better outcomes for communities of all sizes.

Nations that seek to become the world’s next superpower have invested heavily in the building blocks for economic success—strong interconnected communities. China, Brazil, India and Russia have invested billions in high-speed rail projects and supportive transit infrastructure, in an effort to create seamless neighborhoods ready to compete globally. With more families and jobs dispersed over a wider geographic area, America needs to focus on building a 21st century transportation network that will promote sustainable communities at home and economic competitiveness abroad.

We look forward to working with the Administration, Congress, and our state and local partners to build on the ideas presented in the President’s proposal and move quickly toward a multi-year surface transportation authorization that will allow our nation to meet its full potential.