Senate Commerce Hearing Strengthens Case for Congressional Action on E-Fairness

JOC Staff |
Arlington, VA – At a hearing held today before the Senate Commerce Committee, Senators signaled readiness to level the playing field for all retailers and pass e-fairness legislation, noted the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA). The hearing considered the Marketplace Fairness Act, legislation aimed at closing the sales tax loophole and leveling the playing field for all retailers.

RILA Executive Vice President for Public Affairs Katherine Lugar commended bill sponsors Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY), Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) for building a strong case for the need to end preferential treatment for online sellers and restore a true free market for America’s retailers.

“Government shouldn’t be picking winners and losers by giving online companies an artificial competitive advantage—that runs contrary to the basic American belief in free enterprise,” said Lugar.

“Today’s hearing was a win for those who believe in free markets.

“The few remaining opponents of a level retail playing field are grasping at straws to derail this legislation and protect the special treatment that is currently distorting the free market,” said Lugar. “But no compelling argument was made today to justify continued preferential treatment in the tax code that gives online retailers an artificial competitive advantage over brick and mortar stores.

“Retailers have been waiting a long time, and today’s hearing is yet another next big step toward restoring a true free market. On behalf of America’s retailers we remain committed to working with lawmakers in both parties, in the House and the Senate, to push for action this year that levels the playing field once and for all.”