Specialist Freight Networks' First Birthday

JOC Staff |

“Happy Birthday to SFN, Happy Birthday to SFNNNN….” The first year is key in the growth of any new company. Specialist Freight Networkshas had an excellent first year and SFN Head Office are full of happiness and joy, in light of all that has been achieved in the Networks’ first year.

Considering SFN did not have any Members on launch date, it is remarkable that every new Member was willing to part with their hard earned funds and invest in joining a start-up. SFN wasn’t an ordinary Freight Network start-up though, as at the helm, was its Managing Director, Kelly Bunyan. With a respected reputation in the Freight Networking industry for providing strong, fair leadership at the same time as managing a highly efficient Head Office, Kelly Bunyan’s 9 years of experience meant that an inexpensive investment in SFN would be suited to even the most risk averse.

Kelly Bunyan says, “When we launched in 2012, I was recruiting companies to join a Network of 0 Members – now that was a challenge! Due to my track record at WFN though, I was supported by our SFN Founder Members. Years from now, as SFN grows into one of the industry’s leading set of Networks, ‘SFN Founder Member’ will mean something very special.”

In one year, SFN Non-Exclusive alone has attracted over 100 Members. Kelly Bunyan adds, “Now that we have over 200 Memberships across our Networks, our 2nd year should really cement our standing within the Networking industry. We have something more substantial to offer Forwarders – connections to many VIP companies worldwide. Considering we are still in our infancy, I am delighted to say that so far everybody is choosing to renew their SFN Memberships and stay with us into our 2nd year. This is wonderful. My hunger for success is infectious and I appreciate my Members’ support in recognising that we can benefit mutually by continuing to strengthen our alliance into the future.”

SFN regularly publishes Member comments in its Newsletters and here are a selection of companies, sharing their happiness with the Network:

"Dear Kelly, I must thank you for obtaining the great source of foundation. This foundation has really supported us in securing the best of business. Thanks for your new dream and allowing us to participate in role of it. ZNS wishes you and your team to isolate the best of all era in network."

Siddique H Hashmi, ZN Synergies, India

"Dear kelly, Thank Yu, we do our best to cooperate with our member, also we wish to stay in SFN forever. J”

Jammy, S&J International, China

"Hello Kelly. I will renew, whenever I entrusted my money little or much in a member, I got it back, when I need it to secure some cargo from outside Mexico, I did, so I can’t complain! Anyway I’m proud to be a co-founder member and count with me for the renewal."

J.Eduardo Echevarria Gil, Transcargo, Mexico

"I'm positive that we will receive the benefits of being an exclusive SFN member in years to come. I hope to remain within the network for many years. :)"

Ahmet Eftelioglu, Herfurth Logistics, Turkey

"Dear Kelly, How times fly! it has been almost one year since we joined into SFN. I want to say thank you to you Kelly, in this year we know a lot of new friend, I hope SFN become a very good and famous platform and group up faster and faster. Surely, we will renew our membership, pls send me the invoice."

Sophie Li, Minsheng International Freight Co., Ltd., China

"Hi Kelly, In fact am proud to be part of SFN these days, also this is great to hearing that there are 100 memberships up to now. I’d much like if SFN can renew the membership for continues the further development within SFN. All the best!"

Alex Ko, Profit Sail Int'l Express, Hong Kong

With business being exchanged, a 100% renewal rate, a 100% payment record, SFN has fired out of the starting blocks at an exceptionally impressive pace.

Kelly finished by saying, “I don’t wish for SFN to be a revolving door where Members come and go. Instead, I wish for veritable bonds to be forged between Members. Friendships take time to form, but we have made a great start in this process. We have had a great year; SFN is in good, healthy shape. Here’s to the next year.”