time:matters expands network in Spain to include Santiago de Compostela

JOC Staff |
Neu-Isenburg, May 10, 2011: time:matters, the expert for global Special Speed Logistics which is part of the Lufthansa Group, expands its sameday air station network to include another European location. Effective immediately, additional direct connections for particularly urgent shipments are available from Santiago de Compostela Airport (SCQ), such as daily Spanair flights to Madrid or Barcelona.

Santiago de Compostela is, in addition to other locations such as Valencia, Madrid and Vigo, already the twelfth time:matters sameday air station in Spain. The time:matters sameday network currently includes a total of 102 stations and 24 partner airlines throughout Europe.

As a result of the network expansion, time:matters connects the Galicia region in Spain to all key European airports and therefore offers its customers even more numerous and faster connections – time-critical shipments arrive at European cities within just a few hours. This subsequently eliminates unnecessary, time-consuming transports by road.

The current expansion of the time:matters sameday air network is especially beneficial to those customers from the life & health sector, which are strongly represented throughout the region surrounding Santiago de Compostela.

“Through the expansion of our network, we are increasing the logistics options for our customers in Spain and are pleased that we can, with immediate effect, offer an even more comprehensive service,” comments Franz-Joseph Miller, CEO of time:matters GmbH.