UK freight forwarders association offers cautious welcome for lorry road user charging scheme

JOC Staff |
In response to the announcement of plans for a lorry road user charging scheme, the British International Freight Association (BIFA) says that, like the UK Government, it also wants to ensure that UK hauliers get a fairer deal and help maintain the competitiveness of the country’s logistics industry.

Peter Quantrill, BIFA Director General, says: “On first view, this looks like a positive development. However, it is a very complicated issue and we need to look into the details.”

BIFA agrees with the notion that all haulage companies that use UK roads should contribute to the cost of the maintenance and development, regardless of where they are from.

“Haulage companies with trucks registered in the UK already do that of course through excise duty on fuel and road fund licences,” adds Quantrill.

“However, some of our members that operate European trailer services sub-contract the transport to foreign haulage companies, and it is not immediately clear how this plan might affect them. It seems conceivable that some of our members could see increased operating costs should this plan come to fruition and we will be seeking their input.

“As the trade association representing the interests of the UK freight forwarding sector, our role is to consult with government, as well as other trade and legislative organisations, and welcome the opportunity to respond to the consultation.”