UPS To Deliver $1 Million To “HandsOn Network” In Celebration Of Volunteerism

JOC Staff |

ATLANTA, Oct. 5, 2010 -- UPS (NYSE:UPS) employees throughout the world will participate in UPS’s eighth annual Global Volunteer Month in October, a month encouraging UPS’s more than 400,000 employees to give back through service and organizations that are most meaningful to them.

To kick off the month of volunteerism, UPS is presenting the HandsOn Network, the country’s largest volunteer network, a $300,000 grant to support volunteer services and relief efforts in the Gulf of Mexico region as part of a $1 million, two-year contribution.

UPS‘s new partnership with HandsOn Network will create volunteer boot camps to train individuals to meet community-specific environmental and humanitarian recovery needs from the recent Gulf Coast oil spill. Training will be targeted at such critical areas as job re-training and job search clinics; restoring parks and open spaces; supporting kids with safe after school activities, and assisting small businesses to recoup losses or improve business sustainability.

“In 2009, UPS employees and their family members contributed more than

1.2 million hours of volunteer service, with more than 170,000 hours of their donated time occurring during Global Volunteer Month,” said Allen Hill, senior vice president Human Resources. “And giving and volunteering to improve efficiency allows organizations to stretch their dollars further, ensuring resources are used effectively.”

About HandsOn Network
HandsOn Network, the volunteer-focused arm of Points of Light Institute, is the largest volunteer network in the nation and includes more than 250 HandsOn Action Centers in 16 countries. HandsOn includes a powerful network of more than 70,000 corporate, faith and nonprofit organizations that are answering the call to serve and creating meaningful change in their communities. Annually, the network delivers approximately 30 million hours of volunteer service valued at about $600 million. For more information, please visit

About The UPS Foundation
UPS (NYSE:UPS) is the world's largest package delivery company and a global leader in supply chain and freight services. Since its founding in 1907, UPS has built a legacy as a caring and responsible corporate citizen, supporting programs that provide long-term solutions to community needs. UPS promotes community involvement through its ongoing volunteerism and grant programs, environmental sustainability and corporate philanthropy. In 2009, UPS's charitable contributions totaled nearly $100 million and UPS employees and their families contributed more than 1.2 million hours of volunteer service. The company can be found on the web at To get UPS news direct, visit