U.S. Chamber Supports DOJ’s Intention to Clarify Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Enforcement

JOC Staff |
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Lisa A. Rickard, president of the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for Legal Reform, issued the following statement regarding Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer’s announcement today that the Department of Justice would issue guidance on the enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).

“We are encouraged by the Justice Department’s announcement of their intent to issue detailed new guidance on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act’s criminal and civil enforcement provisions.

“Today's announcement is a welcome acknowledgement of what we in the business community have long said – DOJ’s current FCPA enforcement practices need clarification and modernization.

“We believe that strong guidance from the DOJ could be the foundation for lasting legislative improvements to the statute.”

ILR seeks to promote civil justice reform through legislative, political, judicial, and educational activities at the national, state, and local levels.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations.