NORTH BERGEN, NJ - The Atlantic Coast District (ACD), International Longshoremen's Association, AFL-CIO has moved its headquarters to North Bergen, New Jersey, from Lower Manhattan, according to an announcement by Stephen Knott, the ACD president. The new contact information for the ACD is as follows:
Atlantic Coast District, ILA, AFL-CIO
5000 Westside Avenue
North Bergen, New Jersey 07047
Phone (201) 662-1612
Fax (201) 662-1982
The Atlantic Coast District comprises all ILA port areas from Maine to Virginia on the Atlantic Coast, Great Lakes region, Eastern Canada and Puerto Rico.
Stephen Knott leads the ACD as its president, a position he was elected to at the District's quadrennial convention in July 2007. At that same convention, Dennis Daggett was elected ACD Secretary-Treasurer.
We're excited about our move to North Bergen, ACD President Knott said. Our newer, more modern facilities will allow us to better serve our ACD ports and expand on important programs we have instituted in recent years such as Technology and Compliance, Port of Discovery, Safety and Jurisdiction.